Friday, December 16, 2011

This could have ended badly

A woman in Sierra Vista, Arizona, was attacked by three feral dogs while she was walking her own pet.  A group of people gathered around to assist her, but honestly, a human trying to get a trio of large dogs off of something they're trying to bring down is likely to become part of the casualty list before they stop the attack.

A man who lived nearby heard the noise, grabbed his pistol, and intervened, shooting two of the dogs.  The woman and her dog are being cared for, but this could have turned out much worse for her.

I used to live in Sierra Vista, and there isn't much transition between the desert and the city.  There are javelina, coyotes, and feral dogs in abundance in the area.  This woman was lucky that she was within earshot of others who could help her.  A few hundred yards further away, and she might have been very much alone with nothing to defend herself.

You don't have to live in south-eastern Arizona to have to deal with packs of wild animals.  Louisville, along with a lot of cities, is starting to have a big problem with feral dogs of all breeds running wild.  And of course, where there are humans, you will find packs of feral humans running wild.

Carry your weapons, people.  You can't count on someone else being willing and able to save you.


Anonymous said...

I always do.
And I walk our dog, The Jak, every night.
Of course being he is a Jack Russell Terrorist and fears nothing...

DaddyBear said...

True, little dogs don't know they're little. I've seen Jack's face down Rottweilers. The Rottie had this "well, crap, now what do I do?" look on his face.

Drang said...

I understand that many of the coyotes down that way these days are of the two-legged variety. Apparently, they have taken to wandering across Ft Huachuca, as being safer than state or private land.

DaddyBear said...

That's not a new phenomenon. We used to stumble across evidence of smugglers on post all the time, both down in the desert and up in the mountains.

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