What other signs that the Obama presidency is in trouble should we be be on the look out for?
- His head speechwriter gets struck by lightning on a clear day
- His teleprompter is found hanging by its own power cord with a goodbye note nearby
- The seal on his speaking podium bursts into flame
- "Hail To The Chief" is replaced in the press room with the theme from "The Omen"
- The bust of Lenin that the President's mother left to him in her will starts to cry tears of vodka
- The bust of Churchill he returned to the Brits is found with an ear to ear grin on its face
- The President's doctor reports that he is not sleeping well due to nightmares that cause him to wake up screaming "Palin! Perry! Rubio!"
Instead of the "Omen" theme, I rather think 'Yakety Sax' from Benny Hill would be more appropot.
I think that's more for the cabinet meetings. More people in movement there.
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