Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Brain Dropping

I half heard this playing this morning while I was getting dressed, and these have been going through my head all day.  I thought I'd share the madness:

Malfunction Junction, what's your function?
Failures in feeding, and firing, and ejecting

Malfunction Junction, what's your function?
Clearing up stovepipes and misfires and double feeds

Malfunction Junction, what's your function?
SPORTS and racking and dropping the magazine

Malfunction Junction, what's your function?
Cleaning and oiling and greasing and function checking

Malfunction Junction, what's your function?
Swapping out springs and followers and guide rods


Duke said...

Sounds like a good way to loose all your marbles.

Old NFO said...

That's a left turn or two in the old brain bucket...LOL Obviously you need some recoil therapy!

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DaddyBear's Den by DaddyBear is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at daddybearden.blogspot.com.