Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Another Reason to Celebrate the Day

Today is Pi day, but it is also another wonderful day on the American calendar.  Since this is a PG-13 blog, we'll have to play blog pictionary to figure out what it is:


Name That Entree!

Name this character from M*A*S*H


Heroditus Huxley said...

And I have a blog buddy whose birthday is today.

Anonymous said...

Steak and Honeycut Day?

Old NFO said...

LOL... Keepin it clean over here boss...

Auntie J said...

Time for a glass of juice and a strip of BJ....

Auntie J said...

You know, I should point out that my last comment WAS actually a quote from the M*A*S*H episode "The Joker is Wild," from the 11th season. Or, at the very least, the last half of that quote is.

Julie said...

Good luck on that DB ;)

Christina RN LMT said...

I didn't have pie, but I did eat steak. Total coincidence, I swear!

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