Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thought for the Day

If your wife is debating whether she wants to eat the left-over Chinese food from last night or the hamburger stew she made tonight for dinner, do not use the phrase "You ought to eat your own dog food" when she asks for your input.


Anonymous said...

Sleep lightly my friend.

MrGarabaldi said...

couch bound you are my friend.....

TinCan Assassin said...

You're gonna have that dog house renovated in no time at this rate. Got a big screen TV and satellite in there yet?

Mad Jack said...

Right. But what man in his right mind would be dumb enough to say something like that to his wife?

DaddyBear said...

Why yes, I have a wonderful couch. I'm considering putting exterior walls on the carport for those times when even the couch isn't a good idea.

And Jack, ever have those things you say that you try to stop saying a nanosecond after you say them? Yeah, happened to me last night.

Mad Jack said...


Not since that time Main Lady was trimming the hedge, anyway.

Coop said...

Wow, you didn't strike me as a "Thrill Seeker" until now... what's next, hunting wild boar with a Bowie knife?

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

So, you're a zombie blogger now? Because if you survived that, either you're not human or she isn't.

DaddyBear said...


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