Sunday, June 26, 2011

Follow-Up to Today's Thought for the Day

Gentlemen, if you're going to look out at the weather, decide your tent can stand up to it, and declare, "We'll be OK", you damn sure better get out and make sure the rain fly to your tent hasn't come loose from kids tripping over the guy lines in the past day or so.

If you don't, you will get to wake up to half an inch of water in the tent, a savagely pissed off spouse, and the opportunity to run outside in a thunderstorm to re-tighten said guy lines.  And enjoy packing up the sodden tent, sleeping bags, air mattresses, and clothes the next morning.


Old NFO said...

Ouch... :-) Something tells me things did NOT go well with the rainstorm... :-) Look on the bright side, it was not 30 degrees and blowing outside...

bluesun said...

That's about the time my parents decided to get a pop up camper when I was growing up. Granted, it had its own foibles...

DaddyBear said...

After 10 years of being together, I just figured out that my wife has a phobia about thunder and lightning at night.

Other than that, though, we came through the rainstorm pretty well.

And a camper has been in the discussion for a couple of years. I keep putting it off.

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