Friday, May 7, 2010


Sorry about not posting for the past couple of days. Most of my free time has been spent taking care of a sick BooBoo, who is doing better now, or attending things for Mike's funeral.

The visitation and funeral were very nice.  All of Mike's family came in, and all of us 'adopted' kids were fully involved.  The ex brought Little Bear to the visitation, and I brought Girlie Bear to the visitation and funeral.  Girlie Bear was very tearful, but I'd rather she let it out than tried to be strong and didn't deal with how she felt.

At the funeral, Girlie Bear was asked to sit with Mike's wife and daughter.  She was given the place of granddaughter specifically.  She did her weeping, but was also there to give hugs to the family as they came by.  It really touched me how much Mamaw and Aunt Jenny loved and took care of her.

The service was given by a local preacher, who did an excellent job.  His choices of readings and what to say were spot on.  After he had spoken he opened the floor to anyone who had anything to say about Mike.  The time for the testimonials about what a great man Mike was took longer than the time the preacher spoke.  Everyone in the room had been touched by Mike, and it was evident that he left this world better than he found it.

Thanks to everyone who's sent their good thoughts and prayers for our family, here and elsewhere.  It's much appreciated and touching.

Like I said, BooBoo was ill with a stomach bug in the middle of the week, but he is feeling much better.  Fortunately, I didn't catch it taking care of him at night, mostly due to obsessive hand washing and prophylactic use of Pepto-Bismol to kill anything in my gut that might go wonky.  Unfortunately, Irish Woman took care of BooBoo while I was at work, and now she's down with it.  She should be better tomorrow as long as she drinks the Gatorade that I left with her this morning and doesn't get dehydrated, but she's pretty miserable at the moment.

Junior Bear is rapidly dwindling down his days in high school.  Senior slide has hit in a major way, but I'm pretty confident he'll graduate with no problems.  He's scheduled to move into the dorm immediately thereafter at his university so he can take summer classes.

Girlie Bear is doing very well in school, but now that standardized testing is over, so is most learning.  She has a couple of projects to do, but it's mostly fun stuff and field trips for the rest of the year.

Little Bear is also doing very well in school.  I ran into his principal at Girlie Bear's chorus recital the other night, and she had nothing but praise for him.  He's turning into quite the little man, and I'm excited to see how he turns out in a few years.

The fence project has been on hold all week, but I expect to be about 80% done by the time this weekend is over.  Once it's done, I'll post pictures of before, during, and after.

Hope everyone is doing well.

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