Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Twofer for Kentucky

A gentleman in central Kentucky decided it was a fine day to ride his horse to church.  And he went packing heat.  No-one would have objected, except he was apparently enjoying a little more booze than the shot glass fill of sacramental wine they had at communion, and he took his hogleg into the church with him.

I'm all about the lawful carrying of firearms.  And Sunday was a fine day to go on a horseback ride.  And I appreciate a snort of Kentucky's finest every so often myself.  But for heaven's sake don't do all three and then go to church.  Alcohol and guns don't mix, and alcohol and religion are even worse.

In further news, there is a move in the state legislature to remove the promise not to engage in duels from the Kentucky state oath of office.  Apparently it was thrown in there when Kentucky became a state, and has never been removed.

I support this wholeheartedly.  I watch a bit of what goes on in Frankfurt, and there is quite a lot of vitriol being spewed by politicians on both side of the aisles.  I believe that it is this promise alone that keeps our state representatives and senators from taking each other out back and going at it with Bowie knives.  Maybe if we remove this sacred vow not to take the guy who just called you the "half wit son of a syphilitic sheep pimp" outside and knocking his teeth in with a shillelagh if he doesn't take it back, politics might become a more civil affair.

In fact, I'd like to see this become how business gets done at the national level.  George Bush might have had a quieter administration if he could have taken Dingy Harry Reid or Nancy "The Joker" Pelosi out behind the White House for pistols at 10 paces.  Or, if President Obama doesn't like to be called a socialist, he could get Michelle to beat the snot out of Glenn Beck.

Update -

Just saw that Uncle John over at  Dvorak seems to hold the same opinion I do.

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