Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Thoughts on the Day

  • I don't often cuss at work, but I at least had the wherewithal to do it in Russian when I did it today.
  • When a southern woman cocks her head to the side at you and lifts the index finger on her dominant hand to emphasize her syllables, you have exactly seven and one half seconds to get out of the blast radius, assuming a standard nuclear trigger.
  • Hope is not a plan, and "someday" is not something I can put in a project plan.
  • Note to vendors: Kissing my ass is not necessary.  All I require is for you to do what you contracted to do and not lie to me.  Is that so much to ask?
  • Mothers of America:  If your mother wouldn't have let you go to a chorus concert in that skirt, you shouldn't be letting your daughter to to a chorus concert in that skirt. "If you've got it, flaunt it" has no place in middle school.
  • Karaoke and lip syncing to Beyonce, Michael Jackson, and ABBA weren't part of any school musical program I remember as a child.  Apparently that has changed in the intervening years.
  • It's a good thing I'm a forgiving soul, because all of the people who got up to leave the audience while Girlie Bear was being recognized for being in the chorus program for all three years of middle school will survive to see the dawn.
  • Listening to about 50 middle school girls sing in Latin is quite nice, actually, even if they learned the song by rote.
  • I always have worries about Girlie Bear growing up, but having seen the boys who are in her peer group tonight, I may not have as much to worry about as I thought.


Julie said...

Good luck on that last one DB :)

Mad Jack said...

Any number of curmudgeonly comments come to mind, however...

As I read this post a large thought balloon formed over my head which contained an emphasized WTF?!

For instance:

Hope is not a plan...
How, exactly, does 'hope' enter into a project plan designed by anyone over the age of six? Unless the child is unsupervised, that is.

All I require is for you to do what you contracted to do and not lie to me.

Now, see, this conjures up all kinds of unattractive scenarios. I just really, really hope you aren't talking to anyone working with the plumbing.

"If you've got it, flaunt it" has no place in middle school.

How? How did you get there from here? Just... how?

lip syncing and school musical program

Okay, public school education and a music teacher that should be drug tested. This week.

...all of the people who got up to leave the audience while Girlie Bear was being recognized for being in the chorus program for all three years of middle school...

That is just plain rude, crude behavior. The adults should know better than to pull something like that. Since they don't, their children won't learn any better which makes me wonder what else the kids won't learn.

Please pass along my sincere congratulations to Girlie Bear, along with my congratulations to you and your wife for doing an excellent job of raising your children (child?).

I always have worries about Girlie Bear growing up, but having seen the boys who are in her peer group tonight, I may not have as much to worry about as I thought.

Well, at least there's some solace for you.

You know, you lead a fairly interesting life - yes?

DaddyBear said...

Hey, there's always hope, Julie.

Jack, she's actually a really good teacher and has done a lot with Girlie Bear. But yeah, I was a bit taken aback by small groups singing along to songs and lip syncing.

For the "flaunt it", the girls were supposed to wear a white top and black skirt. Most of the girls wore nice, but appropriate, attire. Some of the girls wore tops that were too tight and skirts that were way too short. It was kind of creepy, actually.

agirlandhergun said...

I love the way you word things. Cleaver, funny, thought provoking...good stuff, always.

DaddyBear said...

Thanks agirl! Cleaver? My wit must be sharper than I thought! ;-)

agirlandhergun said...

Lol. I swear it is my iPad and auto correct:)

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