If anyone wants me, I'm taking my blog and moving.
I'll be over at http://daddybearsden.wordpress.com/. Please come on over and enjoy my madness.
The term you're looking for, if you're a Blogger user, is "final straw".
by DaddyBear is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at daddybearden.blogspot.com.
Yeep. Okay, I'll update my link list!
Sorry that Blogger is being such a butt.
what happened?
Man, you stuck with blogger much longer than I could. I'll update my links!
I'm with Mr. G -- what happened?
It was a combination of a lot of things. The inability of the default interface to fix the fonts issue was the last straw. I put up with a lot, but I finally reached my threshhold of BS with Blogger.
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